वास्तु के अनुसार गृह -निर्माण आरम्भ कब करें ?
वास्तु के अनुसार गृह -निर्माण आरम्भ कब करें ? मेष, वृष, कर्क, सिंह, तुला, वृश्चिक, मकर तथा कुंभ इन राशियों के सूर्य में ही गृहारंभ करना चाहिए। मेष राशि में शुभ वृष राशि में शुभ मिथुन राशि में मृत्यु कर्क राशि में शुभ सिंह राशि में शुभ कन्या राशि में रोग तुला राशि में शुभ
2018: The Year Ahead for you
According to your moon sign are as follows: Prediction for Aries (Mesh) 2018 – Good time for health, marriage, married life & career till 10th October. Chances of break in higher education & take care of father’s health after that. Possibility of reallocation or modification of home, deep involvement in religion and religious activities for
Lunar Eclipse on 31st January,2018 Wednesday
Lunar Eclipse on 31st January,2018 Wednesday. It will be visible in whole India. Starting time is 5:18 PM to 8:41 PM In Delhi it will start at 5:55 PM The Sutak of Eclipse will start at 08:18 AM चंद्र ग्रहण के प्रभाव आपके जन्म के चंद्र राशि के अनुसार Effects of lunar eclipse according to
Yearly Prediction of 2020
According to your moon sign/ rashi are as follows: 1. Aries (Mesh) – Change in job/place for betterment. Lucky year after March. Chances of misunderstanding with spouse. Rise in abroad connections. Mind your language. Good time for studies. Children will perform better. Relief in chronic disease. Good decisions for future. Gains by hard work. Take